World Art Dubai

Art Blog

Time Out Market Dubai showcases homegrown art in new installations

Photo credit: Caterer Middle East/Time Out Market

Time Out Market Dubai, which showcases the city’s best culture and food by grouping together 17 of its highest-rated restaurants and bars, has unveiled two new art installations by acclaimed artists Dina Saadi and Isl4m.

Graffiti Artistry by Isl4m: A celebration of Emirati culture

Emirati artist Isl4m, known for his distinctive graffiti art, brings his unique perspective to Time Out Market Dubai. Born and raised in the UAE, Isl4m’s work skilfully marries an art form traditionally associated with street art with a celebration of culture and identity.

Inspired by hip-hop culture, Isl4m’s creations incorporate elements of spray painting and honour the rich tapestry of Emirati heritage. One of Isl4m’s masterpieces can be found next at Time Out Market, on display next to the ice-cream parlour Scoopi until the end of the year.

Unbreakable – Mural by Dina Saadi

Dubai-based Syrian artist Dina Saadi has transformed a mural into a colourful work titled ‘Unbreakable.’

The artwork serves as a tribute to the Womanity organisation and female change-makers in the Middle East and beyond, symbolising the values of liberty and resilience. It is a visual testament to the path towards equality and progress, as Saadi hopes to bring social change through her murals; to bring vibrancy; transform public spaces into galleries and tackle global challenges.

Saadi adds: “I hope that anyone who views this artwork experiences a profound sense of tranquillity and inner strength, infusing the surroundings at Time Out Market with a positive and powerful energy of optimism and love.”

Source: Caterer Middle East