Burj Al Blast

Renata Athanasio | Stand : Z23

I love painting landmarks. Not only because what they are, but also because of the processes that leads us as humans to do it. A decision to build or to develop such impressive landmark comes from to willingness to leave a legacy behind, to create a reference, to create value, memories and so. Having the courage to establish a long term plan in a world that's live day by day is not for many. The Burj Al Arab was a seed at the time for what UAE wanted to be, a seed that has grown to it's full form and represents the beginning of an cycle of impressive development and evolution. Congratulations UAE for being the home of development, diversity and uniqueness.

Art Style: Conceptual art

Size and orientation: Vertical

Dimensions: Height-120, Width-100, Depth-4

Price Range: $1001 - $5000

Colour: Blue

Price: USD 1910 / AED 7009.7