Technique canvas /oil, size 80x60, 2022.
Every artist, architect, sculptor – author, when creating his works, devotes a part of himself in them. When we look at great works, we come into contact with the creators’ souls.
The masters of modernity are spectators of the creations of previous eras, they rethink the art of the past and draw inspiration from works created a long time ago.
The touch of artists’ souls from different eras gives birth to the new art, and this is an endless process.
Antonio Gaudi is one of my favorite architects, and his unique style is a source of eternal inspiration. As you can see in this work - The Redemptive Church of the Holy Family or Sagrada Familia. Gaudi gave 43 years of his life to the realization of this creative idea. The creator even lived in the cell of the unfinished cathedral building. The idea of the great architect was that the Sagrada Familia was to become a modern reading of the New Testament and narrate biblical stories.
The redemptive Church of the Holy Family always seemed to me as a mysterious work of art, which seems to have been frozen in time after the passing of its creator. Many of the ideas were known only to Gaudi himself, he kept them inside and passed away without leaving a detailed plan and drawings for the completion of the cathedral. He took these great fantasies with him, which is why they still can't finish the work.
In this painting Gaudi's soul has moved into another fantastic space, a parallel world where people travel to the Moon, which has become the closest "space oasis" to Earth.
Magnificent gardens with deep transparent lakes are laid out in the expanses of the lunar firmament, where the impressive architecture of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral is reflected on the surface of water, as if in the mirror.
In this enchanted space the architect can finally complete his majestic Sagrada Familia. In honor of this event the Moon will have a second name – "Planet Gaudi".